Thank you for your interest in being a leader

This is all we ask of you

Support and grow your local community by running an engaging Facebook group and providing monthly face to face child friendly networking events.

Benefits of being a leader include the following

Who would this benefit?

All our successful leaders are enthusiastic about their role and love meeting their existing and new members.

What next?

Apply now via the application form below.

If someone has recommended you, please put their name in the ‘other’ box.

Please note there is a Franchise fee to be paid after a successful interview, this will be no more than £120 or currency equivalent, dependent on your country.

This franchise fee will also give you 3 months membership to help you start strong.

Still excited? Look forward to seeing your application
Love Leona (CEO)

Application Form

Please complete the below form to register to become a Networking Leader for Mums Business Ltd.

Your regional Head Networking Leader will be in touch once completed.