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Imagine packing it all in, saying goodbye, and just stepping out freely into the world?
Leona and her family had fallen into a day-to-day routine and life felt mundane. She decided to try a new life abroad.
British mother-of-five reveals how she ditched her corporate job and sold all of her belongings to travel the globe - and insists 'world schooling' alongside 'a bit of curriculum' is the best way to teach children
- Leona Burton, 36, from Leicester, was fed up of stress of corporate job in 2018
- She and her husband Lee decided to sell family’s belongings and leave the UK
- Travelled to 12 countries in the last year including Spain, Mexico and Florida
- Said she ‘wanted to give her five children a taste of freedom outside of the norm’
Mother of five reveals how she switched jobs for a life on the road
A mother of five has revealed that she has traded the suburbs and the daily grind for a nomadic existence – and now lives on the road with her children and husband.
Mum quits job and sells possessions to travel the world with her family
Leona Burton, 36, and Lee, 35, from Leicester, have spent the last four years travelling around the globe with kids Kian, 18, Kye, 16, Enna, 14, Olana, 8, and Elis, 5.
"Quero que eles experimentem o mundo", diz mãe de 5 que largou rotina para levar vida nômade
Leona e seu marido, Lee, resolveram vender todas os pertences da família e estão há quatro anos viajando com os cinco filhos pelo mundo